For large quantities or if you are looking for other cultivars that are not displayed in inventory, do not hesitate to contact us!

O’kiwi is also about partnerships, involvement, research and even more!

Discover the different projects that make us vibrate.

Suppliers / partners

Sylvie Macchabée, a renowned arborist who sold us our first kiwi plants, became our mentor at the start of the project and still today. She brought her plants from Siberia about thirty years ago when she worked at the Montreal Botanical Garden.

In-vitro laboratory with which we work to develop our production of new cultivars.

Research and development

We are passionate about discoveries and research on the adaptability of the plants according to the project – marketing of the fruit in the orchard or implantation at home.

Local transformers

We work with local processors to develop fresh fruit products.

Local partners

O'kiwi is the recipient of an award:

National Awards 2021

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